The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Westminster Gazette Attacks The Society

The situation in the early fail of 1894 - Judge returns to America - Olcott and Keightley return to India - Mrs. Besant goes to Australia - Walter Old remains in England - renews the fight on Judge - evidences of collusion - Old provides Edmund Garrett with ammunition - Garrett opens a grand assault in the Westminster Gazette - ridicules Theosophy - pokes fun at Olcott and Mrs. Besant - calls them dupes of H.P.B. and Judge - Garrett as honest man - avows his animus - declares himself enemy of Theosophy - his purpose to destroy T.S. - his series of articles published in book form - their tremendous circulation and effect - Old writes the Gazette - admits his complicity - regrets to drag in Mrs. Besant and Olcott - exposes his enmity to Judge - confesses unwittingly the secret conference at Adyar, Christmas, 1893 - the "Judge case" planned then by Old, Besant, Olcott and others - decries H.P.B. as well as Judge - the enemies of Judge moved by "pride and wounded vanity" - the steps taken by Judge after the Westminster Gazette attack - his letter to the New York Sun and the Gazette - his famous E.S.T. Circular of November 3, 1894 - "By Master's Order" he tells the E.S.T. members the whole story - "black magic" versus "white magic" - Mrs. Besant the unconscious tool and victim of Chakravarti - the real issue between the Brahminism of the Orient and the Theosophy of H.P.B. - the Society will stand or fall by H.P.B. - deposes Mrs. Besant from her Co-Headship in the E.S.T. - Judge informs Mrs. Besant in Australia by cable of his action - Mrs. Besant's circular from Colombo, December 18, 1894, in reply to Judge's - defies Judge - misrepresents the facts of the Meeting of May 27, 1891 - declares herself "H.P.B.'s successor" - Mrs. Besant's circular analyzed - its falsity shown.



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